Formation with Young Adults: How Churches Reach 20s & 30s

The Challenges of Reaching Young Adults

Girl Young adultAt the developmental margins by definition, the in-betweeness of young adults is a huge part of why congregations are so flummoxed about them. Churches have long served children, youth, parents, empty-nesters, and elders. But emerging adults are a special kind of moving target, no longer youth but not quite adults.

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Highlight of the Article:

How can churches meet twenty- and thirty-somethings where they are developmentally, supporting them in their transitions without condescension?  Supporting emerging adults in their transition into adulthood will cause us to be relevant and crucial to their lives.  It begins with knowing the characteristics of emerging adults, and knowing the challenges that they face.  Here are some resources to help you understand emerging adults.

Your community’s list might be different depending on your tradition, your gifts, and your theological commitments. But you can help the people you serve make their meandering way through that territory over time.  Has your community discussed the essentials of your faith tradition, and how they affect your expectations on emerging adults?  Here is a list of questions to help your community.

If we’re serious about forming faith that will continue to sustain young adults as they age, we have to trust that the Christian spiritual tradition has much to offer. We need to give it a chance to do its work, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The reason I like this sentence is because it acknowledges that fact that spiritual formation takes time.  Programs and mentors cannot speed up the work that God is doing in their lives.  For a great book on coming alongside God in the work that He is doing, check out this link.

David - Prof 2Dr. G. David Boyd is the Managing Director of EA Resources.  He is also the Founder of the EA Network, a network of those who seek to understand and meet the needs of emerging adults.





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