Why I Stuck with the Church – The Millennial Exodus

church (2)The Millennial Exodus is a term that I use to mark articles dealing with the declining rate of Millennials who attend the church in the United States.  EA Resources is committed to provide resources to churches and parents who want to encourage Millennials in their spiritual development.

As part of our mission, we purchase written/video work of Millennials who express their stories about “Why I left the Church” or  “Why I Stuck with the Church.”  If you would like to submit your work for purchase, please contact me gdavid@earesources.org.

Here is the story of a Millennial, and why she has stuck with the church.

I have experienced hypocrisy within the church. It was anything, but fun. In spite of its faults, I have chosen to continue with the church. The church has many areas of improvement to focus on, but I must remember that it is an institution. All institutions are ran by imperfect people are therefore – imperfect. The main reason I stuck with the church lies mostly in my choice to stick with my faith. Although I was supported in my faith by various people throughout my life, I made my faith my own.

I was never forced to go to church. I didn’t grow up with a Christian father, and my mother didn’t truly give her life to Christ until I was in high school. Although surrounded by small group leaders and mentors, my belief in God was never based on anyone else’s faith. It was always mine. However, I know that many other young adults struggle to separate their faith from their parents. They wonder if they would still hold to Christianity if they had been raised in a home that taught a different religion.

My plea to the Church. If you want us to stay… Love us.

As Millennials, we will not be forced into Christianity, or scared there by a fear of hell. These methods do not display Christ’s grace and love. I beg you – connect with us! The Bible teaches that the gathering of Christians is vital for a strong faith. We need to see why you believe in God. We need to see your passion.

Give us a reason to see past the imperfections of the church.

Let us see the heart of the church.

Amanda BabcockI’m Junior at Bethel University studying Environmental Science in hopes of doing Environmental Restoration with missions. I love the outdoors, being Minnesotan, and everything about camp– including flannels, chacos, and sharing the gospel. I have my own blog on wordpress if you want to read more by me– amandanoellebabcockblog.wordpress.com

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