When Sexual Freedom turns to Bondage (A letter to you, not to Miley)

Miley Cyrus

This is not yet another blog about Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and the entry of “twerk” into the English dictionary (I already feel remorse for even typing the word).  All that could be said, probably has been said (My favorite response is http://www.air1.com/blog/brant/post/2013/08/26/miley-cyrus-MTV-culture-and-the-need-for-adults.aspx).  In today’s world that glorifies sexual expression and freedom, my only surprise is that people are surprised.

There is a down-side to the so-called sexual freedoms of this generation.  Christian Smith points out the destructive side of sexual freedom on emerging adults when he states, “that for a significant number of emerging adults—especially but not exclusively women—sexual freedom is accompanied by real hurt, confusion, grief, anger, and regrets.  This is the darker side of American culture’s sexual freedom that we think is far too often hidden and ignored.”  (Smith, 149)  The sexual freedom of emerging adults often leads life-long negative consequences.

But there is another type of bondage that I want to point out.  It is the proliferation of sex into each of our daily lives (mostly through media and other cultural influences).

Sexual freedom has resulted in sex 24/7.

It has resulted in redefining all of life from a sexual viewpoint.  Instead of freedom, we have instead been shackled and forced to carry our sexuality into every area of our lives.  Sexuality has become a dominant factor in who we are as individuals.  Is it possible that sex belongs in the bedroom, and not in the kitchen, family room, office, classroom, or the sports field?

When it is difficult to experience love without sex, we are in bondage.  When it is hard to work with someone, without bringing arousal, we are in bondage.  When teachers see students as possible sexual partners, we are in bondage.  When sex is used to sell everything from cars to toothpaste, we are in bondageWe are in bondage to sex, and have allowed it to over-rule other aspects of being human.

This is not a statement that we are not sexual creatures.  Sex in beautiful and given to us as a gift.  These words are a reminder that we are much more than sex.  God created us with the ability to think, create, work, and rest.  God created us with the ability to have friends through empathy, joy, and laughter.

When satan tempted Jesus with a load of bread, Jesus replies, ” ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”  Bread is important for human life, but it is not the only thing.  I believe that Jesus’ words to us today are that man shall not live by sex alone (and can in fact live without sex – unlike food).

I think sometimes Christians make a big deal about the evils of culture because it makes our own failures seem much smaller.   It is easy to bemoan our culture.  It is another thing to analyze our own lives, and see how sex has invaded other parts of our lives.

Instead of bemoaning the culture, let us take a moment to evaluate our own private world.  What place does sex have in your own life?  Have you allowed sex to consume other areas of your life?  God has created so many aspects for us to enjoy, let us not miss them through bondage to sexual desire.

As always, these are Merely Words, may God move you to action.

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