Making College Affordable – Website Resource

Chowing Down on the Cheap

College Affordability is a website filled with financial tips and tools to help you save money.  The website recently posted this article on saving money on food expenses at college.

Unhealthy fat man trying to eat one more pizza partI save the least important subject of the site for last. You will always have a food budget, and eating right costs good money. In terms of its toll on health and wellness, cheap food is rarely worth the price. That said, you can eat well and save money as a student if you forego the more common options presented to you. Let’s dive into some of the food options and plans distinct to the college experience.

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‘Drunkorexia’ Prevalent Among College Students, Study Finds

What is ‘Drunkorexia’?

How is it affecting the lives of emerging adults?

Check out this article to the discover the answers.

Here are some notes from the article:

1.    A survey of 1,184 of them found that during the previous three months, 80 percent had engaged in at least one of the following drunkorexic behaviors.  While they do mention research, I would like to know more about this research.  The behaviors listed in which 80% are participating could be mild or more severe.  For example, the third behavior could refer to cutting back on calories simply because you know you will be drinking.  I know many people who do this regularly, but it is not at an unhealthy level.

2.  The second behavior in the research links this behavior to eating disorders.  Eating disorders are common on college campuses.  Here are some articles on that topic:

3.  The article states that one way to solve this problem is education.  Emerging adults and parents need education about alcohol.  One important fact to know is that not everyone is participating in the drinking scene.  “They always think that everyone else is drinking more than they are,” she said. “And while 40 percent are engaging in heavy drinking, there are 60 percent who are not. In fact, there are 20 percent who are abstaining.”

David - Prof 2EA Resources seeks to promote research among emerging adults, and educate parents and churches about the lives of emerging adults.  If we can help your community learn how to minister to emerging adults, contact Dr. Boyd.



Four Myths About College You Should Reject – Tim Elmore

photo credit: ISC Orientation Week 2nd Meeting Fall 2011 via photopin (license)

I found an interesting article by Tim Elmore.  I think that it is a great read for both parents and emerging adults.

Here is a link to the full article!

Myth One: You Must Attend That Big Name College.

Myth Two: A College Degree Is Always a Good Investment.

Myth Three: A College Loan Is the Best Way to Pay for My Degree.

Myth Four: You Must Have a Bachelor’s Degree to Earn a Middle-class Salary.

One other myth about college… read here.



A Great Way to Eliminate Your College Debt.

Chilean artist steals and destroys $500 million worth of student debt papers.

actor burns student debt

Here’s one inventive way to deal with the student debt problem. Late last week, Chilean police arrived at Santiago’s Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral and removed a white bin of gray ash — allegedly all that remained of $500 million worth of student debt notes.

Here is the Link to the Article in the Washington Post.

Here is a Link to the Video!  The video went viral, but not here in America.  It is not in English, and not very exciting.

If you want to read some resources to really help you eliminate educational debt, here are a few links.

Tales of Four College Students

Debt Scams – Don’t Get Fooled

This Millennial paid off $23k in college debt in 10 months.

Financial Literacy





For over 200 years the last Thursday of February has been set aside as a day to pray for the college campus. The campus that is a few blocks from your home. The campus that is located hundreds of miles from your city in a region of our country that has very little evangelical presence. The campus where you earned a degree. Collegiate Day of Prayer has a significant history in the spiritual awakenings that have been birthed in our nation on the college campuses.

Read more here!

Praying for those who leave for college campuses is very important, that is why, I believe every church should have at least one prayer campaign a year focused on college campuses.  If you want to launch a prayer campaign at your church, here is an idea.

Mark WhittMark Whitt writes about why the Collegiate Day of Prayer matters to your college ministry.   He is the Collegiate and Young Adult Specialist at LifeWay Christian Resources. Before joining LifeWay, he spent many years on the campus of Murray State University as a campus minister.

How to Plan a Gap Year – Resources

Bluff sign from Flickr via Wylio

© 2006 Will Ellis, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio

The American Gap Association is a great resource for those taking a Gap Year.

They have compiled a great FREE guide on how to plan a gap year.

You can download their guide Here!

For a Christian perspective on Gap Years, please check out “God in the Gap Year” by Derek Melby.  You can download this resources here.

Gap Year Statistics

This article is a list of statistics that are taken from various studies about the benefits of a gap year.  The article also gives this image which explains the reasons why students choose to participate in a gap year.

Here are some of the stats that caught my attention.

  • 90 percent of students who took a Gap Year returned to college within a year.
  • In 2014 AGA Members and Provisional Members gave away a combined total of roughly $2,800,000 in scholarships and needs-based grants.
  • 88 percent of Gap Year graduates report that their Gap Year had significantly added to their employability.

Please note:  There is currently a huge need for research and statistics among Gap Year Participants.  Many of the studies listed were not conducted on American students, and did not have a large subject base.

While Gap Years are not for everyone, they definitely have benefits.  If you are considering a gap year, here is an article to get you started.


Should You Take A Gap Year?

Taking a “Gap Year” after high school is becoming more common in the Western world.  While exact details are difficult to determine, but it is clear that interest and enrollment in gap year programs is growing substantially.  If you want to read some statistics on Gap Year, Please check out this site.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be posting information and articles on this topic.  I am also compiling a list of resources for those considering a gap year.

I came across this article on Forbes that I wanted to share with you.


The First Two Weeks – Guide for the Praying Parent

tips for parents praying for their college student

While some parents may not pray because they are too busy, I believe that there are others who don’t pray because they don’t know what to say.  While an “awkward” moment before friends can be laughed at, what if your prayer time is “awkward.”

Here is a great article that provides tips for Parents of college students.

I hope that it will turn your prayer life from “awkward” to powerful.

First2Weeks_v1 (1)Please join us in our First Two Weeks Campaign.  The purpose of this prayer campaign is to remind Christians to pray for college students during their first two weeks on campus.

You can read more here!