Christ and Keg Stands – An article on College Binge Drinking

I came across this article that I wanted to share with my readers.  It is a great read for students who are making choices about drinking on campus, and for parents.

Here are my top three lines from the Article.

1.  If you think not drinking gets you closer to God, get a better reading of Scripture.

2.  If you think drinking gets you closer to relevance, get a better understanding of ministry.

3.  Even when there are intellectual objections to Christianity, these are often just cover for a debauched lifestyle.

I was going to say something about them, but the article says enough.  Enjoy!

Kevin DeYoung is senior pastor of University Reformed Church (RCA) in East Lansing, Michigan, near Michigan State University. He and his wife Trisha have six young children. You can follow him on Twitter.